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Check how ChatoBee works

Learn the options and functions of our live chat!

Online contact becomes direct and real!

Imagine your customer visits your website and has a question about your offer. Now, the question can be asked directly and you can clear up any doubts and promote the sale! Although you are chatting online, the chat is in real time giving the impression of direct contact!

Check out our live chat!

Monitoring customer behaviour on a website… and starting a chat!

Imagine that when a customer visits your website and analyses a specific offer you can ask him or her exactly what they are looking for! Use a trigger option to approach visitors directly, and the automatic message option which appears in a live chat after a visitor takes specific actions!

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Sell more

By using live chat you can respond to questions from your customers fast, dispel their doubts and encourage them to buy, just as if you met them in person!

Be closer to your customers

Live chat gives a customer an impression of direct conversation which is familiar from popular messenger applications. So, the dialogue is less formal, as between partners.

Encourage your customers to chat

Use the smart system of automatic messages to visitors to your website or send them yourself as you monitor the list of online guests.

Analyse the traffic on the website

You can monitor the behaviour of visitors on your website in real time! Check what offer is most interesting to them and react immediately!

Online ChatoBee chat means:

Constant contact with website visitors

Serving several chats at the same time

Monitoring customer traffic on the website

Option to start chat with visitors on the website

An intuitive customer panel available on smartphones and tablets

Access to latest statistics and reports

Adding new agents and oversee their work


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